Time Left: 10:00

1. What is the purpose of the <head> element in an HTML document?

2. Which attribute is used to specify the language of an HTML document?

3. What is the function of the alt attribute in the <img> tag?

4. Which HTML element is used to create a navigation menu?

5. What does the role attribute do in HTML?

6. Which of the following is a boolean attribute?

7. What is the purpose of the <details> element?

8. How can you access the current time of a video using HTML APIs?

9. What is the purpose of the contenteditable attribute?

10. Which of the following is a semantic HTML element?

11. What does the <meta charset="UTF-8"> tag specify?

12. Which paradigm is focused on using functions as the primary building blocks?

13. What is the purpose of the <figure> element?

14. Which HTML element is used to define a section of related content?

15. What does the <blockquote> element represent?

16. Which HTML element is used to create a drop-down list?

17. What is the purpose of the <canvas> element?

18. Why is using semantic HTML important?

19. Which of the following is a global attribute?

20. What are boolean attributes?

21. What does the target attribute _blank do when used in an <a> tag? element?

22. What does the <link> element do?

23. How do you create a mailto link in HTML?

24. What is the purpose of the <summary> element?

25. Which attribute is used to specify the language of the document?

26. Which attribute specifies where to send the form data when a form is submitted?

27. Which HTML element is used to create a checkbox?

28. What is the purpose of the <title> element?

29. Which HTML element is used to create a horizontal line?

30. Which of the following statements is true regarding the use of modal and non-modal dialogs in web applications?

31. Which attribute is used to merge two or more table cells horizontally?

32. What does the href attribute specify in an <a> tag?

33. What is the purpose of the placeholder attribute in an `input` element?

34.What does the aria-label attribute do?

35. Which element is used to define a self-contained piece of content that could be distributed or reused independently?

36. What is the purpose of the <meta> tag in the <head> section?

37. Which HTML element is used to create a list of items that are not ordered?

38. What does the required attribute do in a form control?

39. Which attribute is used to specify a default value for an input field?

40. What does the role attribute do?

41. What command is used to initialize a new Git repository?

42. Which Git command is used to add changes to the staging area??

43. What will create a new branch in Git?

44. What command do you use to remove a file from the staging area in Git?

45.How can you see which files have been changed, staged, or committed in Git?

46. Which command will show the commit history in Git?

47. What is a primary characteristic that distinguishes a modal dialog from a non-modal dialog in HTML?

48. What is the purpose of the <iframe> tag in HTML?

49. What does the autofocus attribute do in an input field?

50. What other command is used to create a new branch in Git?

51. Which of the following accurately describes the primary use cases for the number, range, and date input types in HTML forms?